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Frequently Asked Questions
When is a survey needed?
Before a tract of land is bought, sold, or transferred
Before a tract of land is subdivided
Before land is developed or improved
Before an easement or right-of-way is created
When required by a lending institution
When a boundary dispute arises
When you think someone is encroaching onto your land
When you want to know the location of your property corners and boundary lines
When the legal description of your land is incorrect, inaccurate, or insufficient
When you want a plan showing the corners, boundaries, natural, and man-made improvements on your land
When you need expert witness testimony and documentation for courtroom proceedings
What factors affect the cost of a survey?
The type of survey required
Complexity and accuracy of deeds involved and the amount of research required
The size and shape of the land
The number and accuracy of existing property corners and boundary markers
The terrain and vegetation of the area
Whether a surveyor has worked in the area recently
Whether there are any encroachments and/or boundary disputes involved
The amount of field and office time involved in completing the survey.